From an early age Barbara has been interested in drawing and observing plants,I remember at the age of about eight sitting in a small overgrown field looking at the grasses, noticing how many different grasses and colours there were. Her serious drawing began in her twenties when she had a young family, in the evening when all was quiet she would draw and paint. She works principally in watercolour, the way it works on the paper, the lovely translucent colours it produces is such a pleasure, though she has developed a love of silverpoint the drawing process is so therapeutic just hand, eye and a silver wire. Recently she attended an icon painting course making egg tempera and water gilding which was fascinating.Her love of plants and painting them have enriched her life beyond measure. She is a Fellow of the Chelsea Physic Garden Florilegium Society and has exhibited at the Royal Horticultural Society many times.


Andrew Brown


Joanna Craig-McFeely