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Talk: Tommy Tonsberg, “The Frozen Gardener”

Tommy is a Norwegian gardener, writer, photographer, broadcaster and plant propagator. He started his career working in a garden centre and stayed on for four years. After that he went on to work for The Norwegian Horticultural Society, where he was on the Editorial Team for Norsk Hagetidend for nearly 13 years. He has also served on various committees for The Norwegian Horticultural Society, and various smaller garden groups and plant societies in Norway. In 2009 he moved from a rather small garden outside their apartment in Skedsmo, to a smallholding in Nannestad, quite close to Oslos main airport. With 18000 m2 at our feet they started all the projects they had always wanted, plant the trees and shrubs they had never been able to grow before, and start the nursery they had always dreamed of.

6 December

Talk: Sue Medway, “Garden Update”

6 March

Talk: Nicholas Wray, "The Relocation & Development of the University of Bristol Botanic Garden"